A Web portal for Grievance reporting, Request and Custom N.M.S.
Very basic information:
Platform Architecture
Bare Metal: Intel Xeon E3 based rack mount server
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 Server edition
Server: Node.js
Database: MongoDB
Service manager: Node Upstarter
Live Updating clientside: Using socket.io
Node router: express
Clientside Renderer: EJS
Clientside runtime: Angular.js
Network Monitoring System part:
Polling: SNMP data polling every 5 seconds
Interrupt: Using SNMP Trap
Device status: Pinging device every 5 seconds(ICMP Server)
80: For HTTP site(Apache Proxy)
161, 162: SNMP and SNMP Trap
3000: For Node.js HTTP server(Forwarded by apache to port 80)
Also used for Socket.io Websockets
Frontend Site
The main page features The Infocell team, the Noticeboard and some other prime links.
The sub pages are about filling form for any complaints or Audio-Video requests which is
handled by the Infocell team.

Backend website
The backend opens in hidden link and ask for Login, after successful the landing page in the Dashboard, It shows all the current Complaints and AV Requests. It also show the new updates and features added to the suite.
From the top bar we can change password navigate and search. On the sidebar are Event calendar Noticeboard and Many other features, most of which visible only to administrators and not for other users.
In Complaints and requests page there are two parts, current pending and already done or
Any issue marked done by any user carries the information forward with the time at which
it was done. These pages are searchable throughout, with every information from date to
name is searchable. All the visible(even the searched data) is downloadable as CSV.
Admins can delete complaints edit to change the group of a complaint to assign it to the desired users. also Admins only can edit any request to change the date and time of any event, as in Registration form in frontend, it is possible to register an event only 24 hrs before. so this place admins can change the date for any exceptions.

Admin features
Manage users and groups feature is only for admins. In Manage users the admin can create or edit new users, give them hirarchy priorities, assign work(by selecting the group that user belongs to) define designation as to be shown on the frontend website in Infocell Team, and also can make a user inactive for not able to login, but still have all the complaints and requests completed by him in the database.

User features
The 'My Profile' add feature for display name and Profile picture change facility, which is to be shown in frontpage in 'Infocell Team'. Also In Noticeboard page, new notices can be added, edited or deleted. These notices are visible on the frontpage as well.

NMS (Network Management System)
The Dashboard sidebar has got "Live Map" which is in fact the Network
Monitoring System.
The Map is made by VIZ.js and uses various technologies to make the map. All the devices
visible are shown with UP/DOWN configuration by Pinging each device every 5 seconds. The
Line UP/DOWN status at the top are using SNMP Trap to show when the line goes down. The
Left side UTM statistics as taken using SNMP as well as ghost browser login in PhantomJS